CKS College’s IB PYP in Action

The Chiang Kai Shek College’s International Baccalaureate Programme will once again open its doors to interested guests from within and outside the school community as the Primary Years Programme holds its open house on March 24, Friday. This event aims to showcase the PYP curriculum in action and is an excellent opportunity to communicate the international framework.

The IB PYP equips every student with the foundational skills and knowledge to take charge of their own learning. It helps them realize that they are part of the learning process rather than just receivers of information, and therefore encourages the building of initiative and strong relationships. In the program, they are trained to be internationally-minded individuals through holistic development.

This open house event will help everyone better understand the difference that IB education brings not only to its learners but also to the entire community. Its transdisciplinary approach offers an authentic and meaningful experience that will encourage the love for learning, appreciation for knowledge, and willingness to be involved in the future of the world.

CKS College invites everyone to experience and see first-hand how the inquiry-based and concept-driven teaching and learning process takes place in an IB PYP classroom. 

Join us and see for yourself the world-class IB experience as Chiang Kai Shek College soars higher, brighter, and stronger towards education for a better world.

中正學院國際文憑小學項目(IB-PYP)  “開麥拉”

中正學院國際文憑小學項目將於3月24日(星期五)舉行學校開放日,歡迎校內外對國際文憑課程小學項目(PYP)感興趣的家長們報名參加。本次活動旨在展示 PYP課程在課堂上的實際應用,也是一個了解國際課程框架的絕佳機會。


這次學校開放日活動將幫助每大家更好地理解國際文憑( IB)教育不僅給學習者帶來的差異,而且給整個社區帶來的差異。它的跨學科方法提供了真實而有意義的體驗,將鼓勵對學習的熱愛,對知識的欣賞,以及參與世界未來的意願。

中正學院邀請您親身體驗並親眼看 IB PYP課堂中以探究為基礎和概念驅動的教學過程。

加入我們,親身體驗世界一流的國際文憑 IB 課程體驗,見證中正學院在教育的道路上,如何引領學生到更高、更開闊、更強大的學習。