CKSC IB Celebrates International Week

In celebration of the International Week, the International Baccalaureate community of Chiang Kai Shek College engaged in a whole day of learning, fun, and activities.

With the theme, “Using social influence to create global connections” the event was spearheaded by Ms. Lyra Felix, Mr. Vin Frago and the IB DO Head, Mr. Ian Mark Arevalo. Furthermore, it was guided by the statement of inquiry, “Global Interactions can create a hopeful future.”

Various influencers in different fields graced the celebration with their pre-recorded talks which students listened to during their morning workshop. Among the speakers were: Mr. Gilbert Que, Ateneo professor, culture, language and travel enthusiast based in the Philippines; Mr. Laurenz Ding, fitness and business influencer based in the Philippines; Ms. Mimi Wang, writer, journalist, video creator, and moderator of Netease based in Japan; Hookhuuk Gaming, gaming video content creator based in Thailand; Richard David of Papa Rodeo, console gaming content creator, MH Rise world record holder based in the Philippines; and Ms. Natalie Fay, make up artist and hair stylist, entrepreneur, and social media influencer based in South Africa.

One of the event’s highlights was the Windows of the World where MYP and DP students showcased their assigned continents through classroom decorations, performances, cultural appreciation videos, foods, and giveaways. Grade 7 students presented the continent of Asia, Grade 8 students for Europe, Grade 9 for Oceania, Grade 10 for South Africa, Grade 11 for South America, and Grade 12 for North America. 

Following this was an extemporaneous speaking competition led by the Model United Nations Club headed by Ms. Sara Cabatuan. Discussing the topic on disinformation through a 5-minute speech, Beatrice Chicano (11-PDLV) emerged as the champion, Krizelle San Agustin (8VE) came in second, and Deanne Go (12AP) won 3rd place. 

Finally was a showcase of the world’s national costumes entitled, the “World Wide Wear” led by Mr. Jommel Limbaga. Students’ interpretation of their costumes, stage presence, and their delivery and explanation of their chosen country to represent proved their creativity and international mindedness. Tonichi Yasay and Carlos Ong of 12AP were held champions of the WWW as they presented their traditional Mexican costumes during the celebration of the Día de Muertos or the Day of the Dead. Kisrten Leigh Ah and Sherdon Co of 8VE grabbed second place as they represented the United Kingdom’s queen and armored soldier attire, and Nathan Laborada and Keira Layog won third place as they modeled the casual daily wear of South American citizens. 

The event was deemed a great success. The IB family greets everyone a happy International Week celebration!



為慶祝國際週,中正學院國際文憑( IB) 以探究“全球互動可以創造一個有希望的未來” 這一個中心思想下,準備了有趣的學習經歷以及精彩的活動。

是日上午,學生們聆聽了各領域的數名有名的影響者的演講視頻,擴展了他們的視野。視頻來賓有菲律賓亞典耀大學教授以及語言文化和旅行愛好者 Gilbert Que、菲律賓健身和商業影響者 Laurenz Ding、日本 Netease 主持人以及視頻創造者兼作家和記者 Mimi Wang、泰國遊戲內容創造者 Hookhuuk Gaming、菲律賓 MH Rise 世界紀錄保持著以及主機遊戲創造者 Richard David of Papa Rodeo、南非媒體影響者及企業家兼化妝師髮型師 Natalie Fay。

“世界之窗”是本日的活動亮點之一。MYP(國際文憑中學項目候選學校)學生以及 DP (國際文憑大學預科項目)學生通過教室陳設、小表演、文化欣賞視頻、飲食、小禮品展示世界各國的不同地區。七年級學生呈現的地區是亞洲,八年級學生則是歐洲。九年級代表的地區是大洋洲,十年級則是非洲。十一年級展示了南美洲,十二年級則是北美洲。

接著,是關於假新聞的五分鐘即席演講比賽。此項比賽的冠軍得主是 11-PDLV 的陳美麗同學,亞軍是 8VE 的 高彤彤同學,季軍是 12AP 的胡怡蓮同學。 

再來的節目是“世界各國服裝秀”。各班級都有指派模特兒上台走秀,通過介紹其所代表的國家、解釋了服裝的象徵性,發揮了他們的創造力,表現出強烈的國際情懷。12AP 的劉綺蓉同學和王嘉露同學,獲得了冠軍。他們穿了墨西哥亡靈節的傳統服裝。亞軍是打扮成英國女王的甄芊惠同學以及裝扮成斯巴達士兵的施炎樑同學。他們是 8VE 的代表。季軍是 11PDLV 的林家頌同學和王鳳翔同學。他們穿著南美洲人民日常的服裝。

