CKSC IB Celebrates Mid-Autumn Festival


The CKS College International Baccalaureate Department celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival through a virtual program on September 22, 2021.

With the theme, “reunited at full moon”, the event showcased various traditional games, interactive activities, and presentations prepared and participated in by students and teachers of the PYP, MYP, and DP.

College President Atty. Danny Chan graced the program with his presence as he delivered an opening remark where he emphasized the value of cultures and customs to deepen community ties. He also broke the news about the construction of the new school building for the Montessori and IB courses.

During the event, the audience indulged in several games such as the “Charades” between students and their homeroom teachers and the puzzle game which was assigned to pre-determined groups. Watson Cu and Jedrick Lim of 10JG and Tonichi Yasay and Jimmy Asuero OF 11IA led these games respectively. 

Among the performance highlights of the celebration were the Mid-Autumn Festival story performance of the Chinese A class, the poem recitation and singing of "Quiet Night Thoughts", "Mid-Autumn Night", "Looking at the Moon" and "Water Melody" by the Chinese B and DP classes, and the song rendition of "The Moon Represents My Heart" by the teachers and staff of the IB. 

A virtual dice game, hosted by Reese Wang and Zachary Tan of 9NL was the program finale. Furthermore, before the program officially ended, photos of the "Reunion at Full Moon Photography Activity" were also shared with everyone. The activity proved the ever-present attention to cultural heritage as students shared photos of their families celebrating the Mid-Autumn festivities in the comforts and safety of their homes.

The event emcees, Denzel So of 9NL and Chrystle Yu of 7JS ended the event by sending a Padlet link for everyone’s dose of reflection.

The IB family greets everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


是日上午,Zoom會議室的氣氛已熱鬧非凡。觀眾只要一登入會議室,就能聽見著名中秋歌曲的旋律。看著IB全體師生都身穿紅衣,用了中正辛丑年中秋虛擬背景來參加活動,更是充分體現了 “月圓人團圓”的寓意。



了解了中秋節的習俗之後,蔡鴻森同學與林哲道同學便開始主持第一個遊戲─ “你比我猜”。這個遊戲看起來雖然很普通,但恰恰考驗了班導師與學生之間的默契。各班班導師絞盡腦汁地猜想班長所比劃的動作,其他同學也紛紛善用聊天框來協助其班導師獲勝,增加了遊戲的趣味,使競爭更加激烈。


終於到了動動腦力,考驗團隊精神的時刻了。劉綺蓉同學與鄭輝煌同學向大家講解了第二個遊戲─拼圖的遊戲規則。同學們需在分組教室裡將事先已分配好的拼圖換成自己的虛擬背景,再將其組成一張圖片,最後截圖上傳至Google Jamboard。同學們藉著這活動表現出勤於思考及善於溝通的培養者學習目標。

除了學生們的表演節目以外,老師們也特地為大家演唱了 “月亮代表我的心”。英文老師的勇於挑戰精神,使今天的慶祝活動更加精采、難忘。


在慶祝活動結束之前,主持人先分享了 “月圓人團圓攝影活動”的照片給觀眾點讚。從同學們所提交的作品看來,即便現在有疫情,有些家庭仍然注重文化傳承,用另一種方式與孩子們共同慶祝中秋節。最後,主持人也帶著全體學生寫反思,用文字將今天的感受書寫出來。

